Sunday, January 24, 2010

This and that

24 things I have learned so far in 2010.

1. New Year's resolutions are a waste of good intentions.

2. If the sun doesn't shine for 3 days in a row, even good people turn ugly.

3. When you share your winnings, two get lucky.

4. Silky undies make your pants less clingy.

5. "Crack pretzels" are my drug of choice.

6. You can vomit and crap at the same time and it's not pretty.

7. Really bad things happen to really bad people and I enjoy hearing about it.

8. Conversation heart candies taste best in January.

9. Life sucks until you drink your first cup of coffee of the morning, then it just sucks less.

10. Even if you sit real still and don't say a word, people will still notice you.

11. A mini skirt is not flattering on an old lady.

12. Pimples appear at any age.

13. It is possible to walk on ice in heels and live to tell about it.

14. Stupid people continue to work in customer service.

15. My cat sleeps in my closet during the day.

16. People still can't pronounce my name correctly.

17. I am not a stinkin' shrinking violet.

18. If you wear the same clothes two days in a row, nobody cares.

19. While plastic hangers are better for your clothes, they take up more room on the rack.

20. Brett does look good in purple.

21. Hospitals care about patient satisfaction. Really... they do.

22. You are as young as you feel til you sit down.

23. The next day always comes.

24. Scheetz happens.

What have you learned so far in 2010?


  1. This was awesome! Too funny! I liked it so much I copied your idea and put up 5 things I learned in 2010 on my facebook.

    I'll add one here: #25: If your boss calls you from out of the country and you greet him with a big happy hello, 'how are you' and sound super cheerful, he thinks everything is just fine and dandy back at the office!


  2. I've learned that there is a reason 50 somethings can't have babies.

  3. I learned I can make a cake from scratch and it is delicious! Nat
