Monday, November 9, 2009


I have been trying to grow out my hair. To be more specific, I have been trying to grow out the sides of my hair. My hair is very thick and coarse and grows quickly... in the back. The sides are much slower and it seems it takes forever for them to grow. About a year ago, I received a horrendous haircut from a novice designer and that did not help my cause of growing out my sides.

But it had gotten to the point where I had to get my hair cut. My bangs were hanging in my eyes and the back was unruly. The sides looked nice tho. Started to show a little growth.

How do I know if there is growth? I can tell by the "line" in my hair color. The dreaded line between actual and fictional hair color. I am a natural medium brown... right out of the box.

I decided perhaps it was time to find a new stylist. I went to "Cost Cutters" - because I had a coupon! A girl who was perhaps 17 1/2 was "available" for me, the 11:15 walk-in. I know I was the 11:15 because it was announced as I entered. "Heather, a 11:15 is here for a cut."

I told Heather I was growing out my sides so that I could have the popular "sling" style. She did a lot of nodding. She then said, "Your sides are too short for a sling." Did she NOT hear me say that I was "growing" into a sling?

In order to get the sling style, I had to have my back cut shorter. Ok...... But I liked my back.

And then like Scissorhands, she began to attack. Clip clip, chop chop.

Then the razor appeared.

"I'm going thin out your upper layers." Before I could say "Huh?" She put the razor to work. Zip zip.

The stylist was explaining all the while that I could have my whole head of hair cut with a razor because it was so thick. I gulped as I saw all the hair on the floor.

And then she spun me around and asked "What do you think?"

I had to admit I liked it! The back was shorter but the side length did in fact look longer!

I was so excited to go home and get rid of that color "line" I forgot to pay her and ran out the front door. Needless to say, I had to return to the store as I had no keys.....

Back at home, I pour the color on my head and wait. 15, 20, 25 minutes.

Out comes the color and I'm quite pleased! Only ......

One side looks longer than the other. I grab my silver scissors.

What if I just nip a little here?

Oh. That looks worse!! What if I cut a little more on this side to match??

Oh lawd!! Why is it puffing out on one side now? It was suppose to lay flat!

I do a little puffing with my hands through my hair. Nothing.

Hair spray the hell out of my sides. Still looks uneven.

I grab the scissors and cut again. Swell, now I have a side that has a straight cut look right in the middle of the side. And it's not attractive, AT ALL.

Do I try and cut the other side to have a straight cut look?

I think not. I put away my silver scissors and decide I will just lean my head to the left for the next 5 weeks.

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