Friday, April 30, 2010

Is it wrong

Is it wrong to bump into a former co-worker and hear about how horrible the working conditions remain, and smile?

This morning I was delivering mail to a physician during my hospital hours and heard a voice behind me. "Hi there stranger." I turn around and see a man I used to work with. It was so great to see him! He was one of the "good guys." Treated me nice, always had something positive to say to me. We used to talk about American Idol together. I miss that.

I hadn't seen him for about a year. I asked him how things were going at the former company. Apparently things hadn't changed. At all. Or maybe they had changed but it wasn't for the better. It's funny how some things just don't change.

And all the way this man was talking, I was smiling. Knowing that I wasn't there anymore. No longer subjected to the low staff morale which is very depressing. No longer working in a environment that was not nuturing or inviting. I had broken away. It was a tough decision back then and part of me had felt like a failure. But I knew I had to break away before I was broken myself.

Today, I was dressed in lovely black skirt and white blouse with my click click heels on. I looked and felt professional. "Tell everyone I am doing great" I said. My former co-worker said, "And you look great."

I know it was wrong but I couldn't help it. I had escaped a poorly managed company and I didn't feel one bit of regret or sadness when I saw my former co-worker. I actually felt good about myself. I walked back to the administrative offices with my chin up and with a big smile.

This chance meeting was closure for me. I have moved on. To better places with wonderful co-workers and managers. Plus my boss told me earlier this morning that I "amazed" him. Today I feel truly blessed.

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